Archive for December, 2011

December 29, 2011

Arts in the Valley, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, 2011, 8 PM, 1480 KYOS AM

by arthouseflower

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Join Arts in the Valley host Kim McMillon as she brings in the New Year with numerologist Sally Faubion discussing the 2012 election, and predictions for 2012.  Healer Kahu Kahealani Satchitananda will help bring in the New Year with a Hawaiian healing, and blessing.

To listen to numerologist Sally Faubion’s interview, click onto the link:numeroligist

Sally Faubion has been providing insight and guidance through numerology readings for 35 years. Her personal and group readings combine her unique intuition and expert knowledge of numerology with other metaphysical sciences. She has read thousands of people and never tires of helping individuals with her special gifts and knowledge.

Sally is the author of the well-received book, Motivational Numerology, and How Numbers Affect your Life, and has penned articles and columns for national magazines. She has created her own line of greeting cards, one of which is currently available on a wholesale basis. Other creations include calendars and software applications.

Sally is currently paving the way for additional products and books to be introduced in the near future.

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To listen to healer Kahealani, click onto the link:hawaii healer

Dr Kahu Kahealani Satchitananda is a Hawaiian Metaphysical Minister, Mentor, Ho’oponopono Practitioner, Respected Elder, Oneness Trainer, Author, and one of the pioneers of Holistic Dentistry. She is a woman of Purpose, Passion, Power, Prosperity and Inner Peace, committed 100% to the transformation, self-empowerment and upliftment of humanity and perpetuation of Hawaiian values in the spirit of aloha. She is founder of Hale Malamalama Ola Pono Hawaiian Holistic Healing Center on Big Island of Hawaii. and one of the founding members of Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles.

Check out Rev. Kahealani on Facebook.

Living Life in Paradise

Dr. Rev. Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda

Hawaiian Kingdom, Hawaii

Life Is Sacred! Cherish It!

December 24, 2011

Arts in the Valley, Saturday, December 24, 2011, 1480 KYOS AM, 8 PM, PST, Merced, CA

by arthouseflower

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Tune into Arts in the Valley on Saturday, December 24 at 8 pm, and Sunday, December 25 at 9 am as Arts in Valley host Kim McMillon interviews Celebrity Psychic Medium Barb Powell, Sherman Kishi about the Art of making Mochi Tsuki for the New Year, and  Occupy movement activists Xan Sam Joi and Shariananda.

To listen to psychic Barb Powell, click onto this link:psychic-1

Barb Powell is a Psychic Medium, Profiler and Remote Viewer who has the natural ability to connect with Spirit and does not require the use of any tools. What makes a session with Barb extraordinary is her belief that anything and everything is possible.  Information such as your name and date of birth are not necessary for her to tune into your past, present and future. She has done readings from Europe, across Canada and the USA! She has even performed readings for producers, news media and celebrities who have described her as a very accurate and unique reader. She is widely known for accuracy, honesty and “telling it like it is”. She has helped thousands map out clear and precise direction in their life path towards spiritual development and personal enrichment. Barb possesses a unique talent for bridging the unknown and uniting the unconscious world of the seen and unseen that lingers between physical and spiritual realities. She believes that we begin to heal and grow spiritually once we unlock the solutions by becoming aware of the life blocks that keep us from reaching our life theme. As impressive as her gifts in communicating with animals, spirit guides and the spirits of those who have passed on from this life is her uncompromising integrity in doing this work. Barb is dedicated to reminding people that we have not been left alone, that we are loved, that there is purpose to our lives, and that there is a reason we are here!

You can follow Barb on twitter, connect on Facebook, and her website, which is

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To listen to Sherman Kishi discuss Mochi (Rice Pounding), click onto link:rice

Annual Mochi Tsuki (Rice Pounding) event

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Start Time: 8:00 am

Place:  Livingston United Methodist Church, 11695 Olive Ave., Livingston, CA 95334

For more information call: 394-2264, or visit

Mochi Tsuki is an old Japanese tradition of rice pounding. It is done after Christmas and before the New Year so that the mochi can be consumed as the very 1st thing eaten on New Year’s Day in order to prosper in the coming new year, but it can be eaten any time of the year also.

All are welcome to observe the tradition and/or order the result of the pounding. Pre-orders are encouraged, but small orders can be placed on that day. The rice pounding starts at 8am, but to see the whole process at work a good time to come is about 10am.

The process starts with 500 to 600 pounds of “mochi rice.” It is much stickier than conventional rice. The rice is cleaned and then soaked overnight. The next morning, the fires are lit, and rice is put into small wooden boxes called seiro. The boxes are stacked above a water tub on top of the makeshift furnaces and rotated as the bottom box of rice gets done.

From there it goes to the grinder and then to the granite bowls, called usu. There, it is pounded by the mallets in a process called mochitsuki, to soften the doughy mass. The hot loaves of rice then go into the church hall to be molded into small balls. Corn starch is used to make the mochi less sticky. Workers wear gloves, but sometimes get blisters from handling the hot rice. Ahn mochi is the sweet concoction made from wrapping mochi around bean paste. The plain mochis are spread out on long tables to cool. Workers brush the corn starch off each treat, and they are packaged for sale.

Orders placed can be picked up starting at 1:00pm to 4:00pm.


To listen to Xan Sam Joi, and Shariananda discuss Occupy Movement, click onto the link:occupy

Xan Sam Joi is a 61 year old Jewish lesbian anti-racist mother – and now grandmother  – striving radical womonist/feminist; daughter & granddaughter of survivors of the holocaust, mother of a young amazon healer & amazing human being, lover of wimmin & student of conscious living. She caravanned to D.C. for the 10th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, answering the call to come to D.C. and stay there until our troops are brought home. Joi spent over a month at both occupies in Washington D.C., traveled to at least 20 other occupies between D.C. and Atlanta, and then Atlanta to Oakland.

Shariananda, formerly SDiane Adamz-Bogus, is a spiritual practitioner, healer and educator of more than 20 years, and brings new thought and traditional Christian tenants together in surprisingly sacred and practical applications.  Shariananda is currently a member of Occupy Merced, and will speak to their work in the Merced community. Her background includes mentorships with spiritual teachers and studies in the paths of Eckankar, Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism, Catholic, and the fundamental traditions of Baptist, Church of God in Christ. A  Ph.D. of Miami University of Ohio, she has certifications in pranic healing, hynotherapy, life coaching and social work training. Currently. she is a member of Unity, Merced and offers healing and communion service on the 3rd Sunday of each month. She can be reached at the  Lifestyle and Wellness Center in Merced for business, private spiritual or healing consultation.  Her books and writing are available at

December 18, 2011

Arts in the Valley, Saturday, December 17, 2011, 8 PM, 1480 KYOS AM, Merced, CA

by arthouseflower

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Tune into Arts in the Valley on Saturday, December 17th at 8 PM, and Sunday, December 18th at 9 AM as Captain Paul Chappell discusses how we can claim peace for the planet, and ourselves. Merced Artist, writer, and actor Noelle Chandler will discuss her latest venture Miss Noelle’s Musikgarten, a program designed to nurture the child’s music aptitude by engaging children and their families in singing and movement activities which help attune the ear, refine the voice, and develop a rhythmic body through which music can be expressed.

To listen to Captain Chappell’s interview, click onto the link:  chapell-1

Paul K. Chappell graduated from West Point in 2002.  He served in the army for seven years, was deployed to Baghdad in 2006, and left active duty in November 2009 as a Captain. He is the author of Will War Ever End?: A Soldier’s Vision of Peace for the 21st Century, The End of War: How Waging Peace Can Save Humanity, Our Planet, and Our Future, and Peaceful Revolution: How We Can Create the Future Needed for Humanity’s Survival (publication date: Feb 2012). He lives in Santa Barbara, California, where he is serving as the Peace Leadership Director for the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation ( He is working on his fourth book, The Art of Waging Peace: A Strategic Approach to Improving Our Lives and the World, and he speaks throughout the country to colleges, high schools, veterans groups, churches, and activist organizations.

The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is presenting a seven-day summer workshop on peace leadership at the beautiful La Casa de Maria Retreat Center in Santa Barbara, California, from July 22-29, 2012.

The NAPF Peace Leadership Summer Workshop is a seven-day intensive course on peace leadership and the skills for waging peace. Led by NAPF Peace Leadership Director Capt. Paul K. Chappell, participants will be empowered with the understanding and tools that can help them make a positive difference in their lives, communities, and the world.

“Captain Paul K. Chappell has given us a crucial look at war and peace from the unique perspective of a soldier, and his new ideas show us why world peace is both necessary and possible in the 21st century. The End of War can help people everywhere understand why war must end, and how together we can end it.”

-Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

To listen to the interview with Noelle Chandler, click onto the link:noell

The Musikgarten classes offered through Miss Noelle’s Musikgarten are designed to nurture the child’s music aptitude by engaging children and their families in singing and movement activities which help attune the ear, refine the voice, and develop a rhythmic body through which music can be expressed. Additionally, instrumental activities are part of the program, ranging from playing simple rhythm instruments such as sticks and drums for babies and toddlers to playing keyboards for older children.

Musikgarten is the leader in early childhood music education – for children and teachers. We offer a complete multi-year educational program that helps infants, toddlers, and children develop a deep love of music and the ability to express it. We have wonderful CDs of the songs sung in class, age-appropriate instruments, and parent guidebooks. These home materials reinforce lessons and involve the whole family in the fun.

Miss Noelle’s Musikgarten
Noelle D.W. Chandler
(209) 761-5666

All MusikGarten Classes are held at the
Merced Multicultural Arts Center
3rd Floor Classrooms
645 West Main Street
Merced, CA  95340

Please do not contact the Multicultural Arts Center
to leave messages for her or the MusikGarten program.
Thank you!

December 16, 2011

Arts in the Valley, Saturday, November 26, 2011, 8 PM, 1480 KYOS AM, Merced, CA

by arthouseflower

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Tune into  Arts in the Valley on Saturday, November 26th as host Kim McMillon interviews Club Mercedes boardmember Les Contreras, Merced Shakespeare Festival founder/artistic director Heike Hambley, and  UC Merced Community Coordinator Geneva Skram.

To listen to Les Contreras discuss Club Mercedes, click onto this link:club mercedes-2

Les Contreras will discuss Club Mercedes upcoming holiday programming, and their Social, which happens the last Wednesday of the month.  There is a free dinner at 6:30 pm.  The next social is the last Wednesday in January.  Club Merced is located at the corner of 9th & “M” Street in Merced.

For more information, call 383-9906 or 769-9282.

Club Mercedes, 64 years of raising money, and giving back to the community

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To Listen to Heike Hambley discuss Merced Shakespearefest, click onto this link:Merced Shakespearefest

Heike Hambley will produce The Merchant of Venice this winter. Performances are Feb 24-March 4, 2012. Rehearsals will be in January and February. Heike loves Shakespeare and all his characters, the lovers, the fools, the witches, the witty servants, the warriors and the timeless poetry. She also lovesShakespeare festivals and Renaissance fairs and theatre and working with people to put on a finished production everybody can be proud of and have fun with.

Merced’s own Shakespeare festival was born out of these sentiments and helped by a successful production of “Twelfth Night” that she directed for Merced Center for the Performing Arts, now Playhouse Merced, in February 2002. Cast and crew had so much fun that at the cast party they decided to explore the possibility of bringing a Shakespeare festival to the whole community. Wonderful Shakespeare enthusiasts like Michael Egan, Julianne Aguilar, Carolyn Hart, and others brainstormed and discussed and worked hard. Three months later they had raised some money from generous friends, relatives and art lovers, got rehearsal space from the Playhouse, a non-profit umbrella from the Merced Arts Council and had rented the rarely used Merced Open Air Theatre in Applegate Park. This stage is a perfect Shakespearian space, wide open with pillars on both sides, a lot of sun and natural light for the performers, but green grass and shade trees for the audience.

They are incorporated as Merced Shakespearefest, Inc. and have their own non-profit status. The city of Merced is co-sponsoring their events and many individuals and businesses are contributing.  It pays to dream.

For more information about  Merced Shakespearefest, call Heike Hambley at (209) 723 3265 or visit

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To Listen to Geneva Skram discuss the Community Engagement program, click onto this link:uc merced conf-1

UC Merced Community Coordinator Geneva Skram will discuss the Community Engagement and Scholarship program, which took place on December 2nd at UC Merced.

University of California, Merced Chancellor’s Task Force on Community Engaged Scholarship hosted a conference on its campus in Merced focused on youth development in Merced County. The conference was intended to advance the agenda for the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) initiative in Southwest Merced/East Merced County, which has as a primary goal to improve health outcomes for youth.

The aim of the conference was to inform our community about youth development and stimulate new ideas and efforts in Merced County. The conference  featured community engaged research and programs that are based on research evidence that advance youth development.

Geneva Skram was hired 5 months ago as UC Merced’s Community Coordinator within University Relations. Through the Chancellor’s Task Force on Community Engaged Scholarship she is responsible for promoting, supporting, and highlighting Community Engaged Scholarship on-campus and in the community through workshops for community members and UC Merced faculty, students, and staff, database building, organizing an upcoming conference, among other activities. Currently, the Task Force’s work is being funded by The California Endowment’s, Building Healthy Communities initiative which is a 10 year, $10 million goal of radically improving the health in 14 California communities one of which includes Southwest Merced/East Merced County. Geneva and the Task Force are working hard to strengthen collaborations between faculty, staff, and students at UC Merced and community members with a focus on building a body of knowledge about community health issues and factors that influence health equity in Merced County.

For more information visit or contact Geneva Skram, UC Merced Community Coordinator, at