Posts tagged ‘Julia Carmen’

May 3, 2013

Arts in the Valley, Saturday, April 27 (8 pm) Sunday, April 28 (2 PM) 1480 KYOS AM

by arthouseflower

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Listen to host Kim McMillon interview healer and intuitive Judy Braughtman, Curandera and Seer of the Soul at The School Without Walls Julia Carmen, and Native American poet Kim Shuck.

For more information on healer Judy Braughtman, please email: sunycorner .
To listen to Judy Braughtman, click onto this link:

Curandera, Julia Carmen can be reached at:
The School Without Walls
SF Bay Area, California and The Big Island of Hawaii
phone: 650-898-8135
To listen to Curandera Julia Carmen, click onto the link:

Kim Shuck’s Bio

Kim Shuck is a writer, weaver, bead artist and walker on the crests of hills. Her artwork has shown on four continents and her poetry has been published on three. Shuck’s first juried publication was in the En’owken Journal out of Canada. Her first solo book of poetry, Smuggling Cherokee, was published by Greenfield Review Press and won the Diane Decorah award from the Native Writers’ Circle of the Americas. She lives in San Francisco with grown children, rescue cats and a disagreeable parrot called Bond. Rumors of resident ghosts, demi-gods or well kept secrets cannot be verified at this time.
To listen to poet Kim Shuck, please click onto the link:

About the Book Rabbit Stories

Subatomic particles. String. Knots. The water in London, San Francisco, Tar Creek. A coy Spider. The Dance of DNA. Chestnut Man’s kiss. Songs made of strawberry soda. These are glimpses of the complex world in which a Tsalagi girl/woman lives. Named “Rabbit Food” after a wild rose, the girl is accompanied through life by irreverent guardian and teacher Rabbit, “a creature of trick and pleasure.” Kim Shuck’s collection is tenderly constructed, finely woven in and out of Rabbit Food’s lifetime as girl, young woman, new mother, and mature artist. Rabbit Stories winds through waters layered with dream and memory, loops back around time with a wise/cracking humor. I couldn’t put these stories down. They’re singing in me now; it feels as if the DNA in my cells has been transformed by, as Rabbit would say, “a joy in craft and artifact.” Brava! —Deborah A. Miranda, author of Bad Indians: A Tribal Memoir.
Native American poet Kim Shuck, can be reached at

October 14, 2011

Arts in the Valley, Saturday, October 8, 2011, 8 PM, 1480 KYOS AM, Merced, CA

by arthouseflower

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Tune into Arts in the Valley’s October 8th show as host Kim McMillon interviews healer Julia Carmen. Julia Carmen was born with a gift of a Curadora de Alma (Healer of the Soul). Kim will also interview UC Merced’s Hip Hop Movement (HHM), a group designed to promote awareness of hip hop in society by preserving the positive, artistic roots and tradition of the culture. They do this by performing what they call the four branches of hip-hop — dance, graffiti, DJ, and spoken word. Finally, Kim will interview Kevin Hammon, and Kimberly Zamora, the founders of the Merced Art Hop, which will take place this Saturday, October 15th from 5 pm until 9 pm in downtown Merced.

To listen to Julia Carmen, click onto the link: spiritual psyphic
Healer Julia Carmen, School Without Walls
The School Without Walls is a school for healers to awaken to their soul self of the ALL. The School Without Walls provides a space for healers to release the busy mind of the Self and to hear their soul of heart so they can be in their fullness of themselves.

The School Without Walls focuses on the individuality and uniqueness of the One Self. The School Without Walls is a place that nurtures Soul Self and reminds of the Soul Self. The School Without Walls is open to all.

The School Without Walls offers several workshops, trainings, and retreats for those seeking truth and reverence in who they are. The School Without Walls also offers individual guidance through the Curandera de las Curandera’s(Healer of Healers), which is the vessel for individuals into their Soul Self.

Please check “Events”for upcoming retreats and workshops. Retreats and workshops are located in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Hawaii.

To listen to an interview with Hip Hop Movement, click onto this link:hip hop
Hip Hop Movement of UC Merced (HHM)
HHM is a group designed to promote awareness of hip hop in society by preserving the positive, artistic roots and tradition of the culture. They do this by performing what they call the four branches of hip-hop — dance, graffiti, DJ, and spoken word.
Hip Hop Movement Mission statement:

To preserve traditional hip hop culture and promote awareness of the art within the campus and community of Merced.

We are a student-led organization of expressionist representing the four elements of hip hop:

Graffiti, DJ, MC, and Dance.

Learn. Educate. Appreciate. Express. Life.

To listen to information about the Merced Art Hop, click onto the link:art hop
The Fall version of the Merced Art Hop will be presented on Saturday, October 15, 2011 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., in shops and spaces all along Main Street in downtown Merced. Come and see local artists inside your favorite stores, and listen to live music along the sidewalks.
Merced Art Hop was founded by Kevin Hammon and Kimberly Zamora as an opportunity for artist to show their work and for downtown business to to market one-on-one with customers.

February 6, 2011

Arts in the Valley, Saturday, February 5, 2011, 8 PM, PST, 1480 KYOS AM

by arthouseflower

Please click onto the link below to hear the show.


Brenda Cobb, founder of the Living Foods Institute, and Healer, and founder of School Without Walls Julia Carmen on Arts in the Valley, Saturday, February 5th, 8 PM, PST, 1480 KYOS AM

Brenda Cobb, the Founder and Director of the Living Food Institute, overcame the early stages of breast and cervical cancer without the use of drugs or surgery by following the simple principles of detoxification and nutrition. She also got rid of allergies, acid reflux, indigestion, arthritis, obesity, age or liver spots, and gray hair. Her eyesight even improved! She looks and feels 10 years younger than she did 10 years ago. Brenda now devotes her life to educating others.

The Living Foods Lifestyle® is Brenda Cobb’s fascinating first work on Living Foods. In her book, Brenda describes her healing journey from breast and cervical cancer. She also highlights the stories of many students that have gotten tremendous results from a variety of ailments and diseases by adopting The Living Foods Lifestyle®. Additionally, she discusses the cause of disease, why Raw and Living Foods is so beneficial, and the contribution of our thoughts to our overall health. Finally, the book is packed with over 50 delicious recipes that Brenda has perfected with her marvelous understanding of how flavors mix to form


Julia Carmen has been a healer for over 20 years. Julia Carmen was born with a gift of a Curadora de Alma (Healer of the Soul). Her gift of being able to see a person’s true soul/self has guided clients to quiet themselves to hear their own true divine soul/self.

Julia is also highly involved in a non-profit based in the SF Bay Area called Antolino Family Wellness Center, Inc., an organization dedicated to the wellness of families and community. To learn more about Antolino Family Wellness Center, Inc., please visit their website

Julia Carmen created The School Without Walls, a school for healers to awaken to their soul self of the ALL. The School Without Walls provides a space for healers to release the busy mind of the Self and to hear their soul of heart so they can be in their fullness of themselves.

The School Without Walls offers several workshops, trainings, and retreats for those seeking truth and reverence in who they are. The School Without Walls also offers individual guidance through the Curandera de las Curandera’s(Healer of Healers), which is the vessel for individuals into their Soul Self.