Posts tagged ‘Quan Yin’

January 14, 2012

Arts in the Valley, Saturday (8 PM) & Sunday (9 AM), Jan 14 & 15, 20112

by arthouseflower

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On Saturday and Sunday, January 14th & 15th, Arts in the Valley presents a special show with Songhealer Sophia.  This hour show will include samplings of Sophia’s extraordinary music, and a discussion of her life work.

To listen to Sophia’s interview, click onto the link:song healer-2

Sophia’s music is life-affirming.  This is her message, and story in her own words.

I believe my voice and my music are gifts from God/dess. For those of you who may be open to the concept of reincarnation, I’ll share this story. Several years ago, during the course of a spiritual intensive, I had a strong and vivid memory of my most recent past life. I was a 5 year old girl who died in a concentration camp. This recollection was devastating in all its painful, horrifying detail. I continued to work through this experience and I found myself up in what seemed to be the throne room of the Divine Mother, with all the children who had died such horrible deaths. It was a celebration. We had come through! We learned that we had chosen this sacrifice, to develop compassion and, in many cases, the determination that this would never happen again. Jesus was there and the angels were singing. I was told that this was the music which must come back to Earth, and then – bang- I was born, in 1946. From the beginning I was stubborn and independent and filled with a sense of mission – to keep that kind of cruelty and devastation from happening again if I possibly could – to Save the World!

Raised by Jewish-Agnostic parents in Philadelphia, I finally contacted my own spiritual nature during the psychedelic revolution of the 60s. I lived and worked in a large commune in the Haight-Ashbury, The One World Family, which operated two vegetarian restaurants, put out a newspaper, raised children, baked many loaves of bread a day, and traveled to put on shows in our painted up school bus. It was there that I first began writing my own songs, about our shared vision that a New World was upon us and it would grow out of our recognition that we were all One. The image I have of that time is that of a giant seed pod that, exposed to intense light and heat, exploded, sending tiny seeds out all over the world. Those seeds began to sprout, and have now produced flowers and ripening fruit of consciousness and caring for the Earth and all life upon Her.

My musical interests have been eclectic, ranging from East Indian to Native American. I like to combine chants from different cultures, to bridge between worlds. My instrument is my voice, but I have picked up several instruments – guitar, zither (or angel harp), dulcimer, tamboura, thunder drum, rainstick. Rather than an entertainer, I consider myself a facilitator through music and song to create unity, inspiration and song circles for mutual healing and upliftment. I am available for gatherings of loving souls. Find me at